Monday, 12 July 2010

Just How Fucking Dumb Are You?

Funny fun times. I come back from my holidaes, check out my shiz and oh yes- apparently someone is trying to harass me on my blogs.

Now, this is nothing new- I deal with more dickheads than you probably realise, mainly cause I don't go on about it- but this one really made me laugh so I had to share.

Check out the messages on the Stanford Prison cbox:

Now... is anyone else more than a little suspicious about the fact that alllll these people just happened to pass by my cbox at exactly the same time? Yeah, me too.

Well, check out the IP address:

Yep, it's all exactly the same person. ROFLCOPTER!

Just how stupid do you think I am? How fucking stupid are you?

But wait wait, the lols aren't over- did that name at the top there ring any bells with you? Mebbe THIS will be a refresher.

Yep, it's Biff- the very same Biff who 'copied' my prison story, but apparently didn't because she'd asked me for permish, but then she'd never heard of me before.

Grow up, yeah?

Consider your juvenile messages deleted and yourself banned. Ta-rah!


  1. oh my.. thats quite the little twit youve got there. where do some people get off, honestly?

  2. Wow.. What a little ~clears throat~. Someone's mommy and daddy need to keep a better eye on what their kid is doing online.

  3. Bahahaha methinks Fury has a of those scary bad ones that steal your underpants off the washing line....same sort of girls that cut themselves while looking at pictures of that Bieber kid.

  4. Wowowwowowowow. I wanna slap their bare nekkied buts witha ping-pong paddle. >:D

  5. LOL. First of all, your legacy is like how old? I can remember reading that shiz way back in the day. So that person is just an idiot to begin with for trying to stir up controversy alleging you 'copied' them.

    I'm really glad you posted about this. I tend to ignore chatboxes and I would have totally missed this awesome display of ignorance.

  6. Fury is WIN! This made my day. What a. . .you guys get the idea.

  7. Would Madam care for some ice with that can of Whoop Ass you've opened?

  8. Ok, that's actually hilarious.

    How freaking dumb is she??!?

  10. My god! She's so stupid! And she called me an idiot...

  11. WOW... Biffs gotta be embarrassed by that lack of intelligence she showed there. LOL. I wonder how shes gonna live that one down. Youngsters these days, eh? FURY FTW!!!

  12. WOW. Just...WOW. I don't know whether to laugh or guffaw... xD (ok, I laughed)

  13. Glad you went to check it out. ;D I was gonna post about it 'cos I saw it yesterday, but I was too lazy.

  14. Gotta love the power of the C-box, and its all knowing powers XD
    Nice one, Mate :P

  15. Hehe biff is such a stupid name...... NO OFFENCE TO PEOPLE NAMED BIFF!

  16. what who is the marx legacy? i googled it and i just got heaps of marxism info.

  17. Heh heh. I loled at that. Good on ya Fury!

    Just have to add... I'm from England too! Do you know a place called Durham.. ;)

  18. At leats use another computer mate!

  19. Hahahahaha i was lmaoing at this
