Okay, let's start with the bad news...
The Stanford Prison Experiment is no more :(
I've tried and I've tried, and the problem is unfixable. Y'see, ever since I patched a while ago the prison household has become kind of inaccessible. Because there were like eleven Sims in a household I had to use a mod to make it work, but having to take out that mod and put it back in again meant the coding to allow more than eight Sims per household was gone for a while, which fucked things up rather.
When I load the game there are no thumbnails at all, meaning I can't control any of the Sims, and when I try to split or evict the household the game shuts down. I thought if I tried it on my new compizzle it might be okay, but now instead of shutting down the game just 'processes' FOREVAR. I don't have a finished copy of the prison saved, so there's no way to fix things (and I'm not about to build it all over again).
So yes, it's buggered. It's very sad.
Ah! But now on to the good news. As a way of helping you all through this terrible time I've finally pulled my finger out regarding a certain story.
Yes, there is indeed a new chapter of Escape to Riverview.
Hopefully I can get back on track with this now :)
And finally the medium news. Well, actually I think it's rather great news, but whether you do or not depends if you're a legacy fan...
I think it's becoming pretty clear that apparently I just can't stay away from legacies. It's kind of impossible for me to play my game without taking pictures and writing about it... therefore...
The Unlegacy, is no more.
Say hello to the founder of my upcoming new legacy...
Ah-ha ah-ha, Winter's movin' on up.I learnt last time that, well, I don't like the legacy 'rules', so I'm not going to be following them. To be honest I failed massively at obeying them last time (*cough* every spouse from generation 4 onwards was a pre-made*) so this time they're out. Ha! Screw you rules.
Winter will be getting a surname change so I need to think of one for him- suggestions are always welcome.
Edit- I has made a decision, the surname will be Heart (prepare yourselves for lots of puns).
Also, I'm planning to litter my legacy town with pre-mades so if there's anyone you want shoved in there I'll do my best. Bear in mind though that I don't like downloading anything from The Exchange at all, so MediaFire is the way to go for me.
So yeah. That's what's going on atm. Look out for my new legacy starting... whenever I get around to it.
Buhbye for now! xoxo